
Bornk was a seventeen year old lad who lived in a cave in Northern Spain. Because he was young and strong, his job was to protect his family by guarding the cave entrance from marauding animals. He carried a large club, and when he hit an attacking predator over the head, a loud "BORRRNNNKKK" would echo throughout the valley - hence the name given to him by the boys.

Now Bornk was dirty, dressed only in a mangy animal skin, and could communicate only through a series of grunts and growls because language had not yet been invented. As a result, Erbert and Gerbert felt a little superior to him. They were in for quite a surprise.

Once, while Bornk and the boys were out hunting bison, they were attacked by Comet Morehouse and chased into a deep cave in the side of a hill. Bornk led Erbert and Gerbert into a small, pitch-dark side chamber. He put down his club, lit a torch, and then proceeded to do an astonishing thing.

The cave boy picked up a small hollowed rock, filled it with ochre, colored chalk and earth, and ground it into a fine powder. From a small pouch he took some fresh animal fat and smeared it on the cave wall. While Erbert and Gerbert watched in astonishment, Bornk picked up a small hollow bone and began blowing the powder over the greasy surface. When he finished, the boys saw the painting of a bison that seemed to be alive in the flickering shadows cast by the torchlight. Bornk, it seems, was the first great artist in history.

Later, when the boys related their adventure to Halleys, the comet told them that they had learned a good lesson. "It's not how someone looks that counts," said Halleys, "or how he dresses or even how he talks. So you should never judge a person until you know what is inside."