
Girf as a Titanian boy — or at least the closest thing to a boy that anyone could ever find on Titan. As you know, Titan is one of Saturn's moons; but more importantly, it is the only moon in the solar system known to have an atmosphere.

One day, on a lark, Erbert and Gerbert decided to go to Titan to see what it looked like. While there, they met Girf. Now, Girf was not the boy's real name, but it would be impossible to pronounce his Titanian name or to write it, because Titanians have no tongues and therefore only speak in strange sounds.

Girf's name was given to him by Erbert and Gerbert, and is really intended only to approximate the sound that Girf makes when he travels over the Titanian landscape. As must all creatures, the Titanians had to adapt to their environment because the surface of Titan mostly consists of frozen methane, hooves or feet would be virtually unless to anyone trying to walk. As a result, where we have feet, the Titanians have long, sharp blade-like appendages that actually look like sled runners. As they move across the surface of the moon, Titanians make a sound like someone ice skating. So as this Titanian boy approached Erbert and Gerbert, all they heard was GRRRFFF, GRRRFFF, and GRRRFFF; and that is how Girf got his name.