Halleys Comet

The name is pronounced (Hay--lees) despite what our learned astronomers say, We know that this is the proper pronunciation, because the comet himself told Erbert and Gerbert. Halleys felt that he should be distinguished in some way from his discoverer because, after all, even a comet needs some individual identity.

Halleys Comet, though permitted officially to visit the solar system only every 76 years, was given a special assignment to find two children on Earth and to teach them the marvels of history and the universe.

Halleys possesses many powers and abilities of which scientists are totally unaware. For example, he is able to darken himself at will simply by using a sunscreen that he carries with him. (We all know that comets only glow when they are exposed to direct sunlight.) In addition, he has two saddle-like things on his back on which Erbert and Gerbert are able to ride without fear of falling; and he is able to heat himself up or cool himself off whenever he wishes. Of course, when Halleys heats up some of his ice melts-but it freezes again when he cools off, so nothing is ever really lost. Finally, and the most wonderful of all, Halleys, by using his speed in some strange and mysterious way, is able to catch up to and pass events that have already taken place. As a consequence, he is actually able to take Erbert and Gerbert back in time. He cannot go into the future though - because that is impossible. Halleys was created to be a power for good in the universe, and he is incapable of doing anything bad.