
All of the boys' adventures did not happen while they were with Halleys Comet, but they all involved Comet Morehouse and his evil crew.

One Halloween Erbert and Gerbert were visiting some friends who lived on a farm. While they were playing in a field, three of Morehouse''s satellite comets spotted them and attacked. Halleys, of course, was nowhere near, and didn't even know that they were in trouble.

Just when things looked really bad, the boys heard a muffled voice calling, "Hide here, hide here!" They looked around, but all they could see was a giant pumpkin. There was no place else to go though, so they burrowed under the pumpkin and stayed there, out of sight, until the evil little comets gave up and went back into space.

When the danger was over, Erbert and Gerbert started to investigate. They knocked on the pumpkin and shouted "Hello!" To their great surprise, a voice answered from INSIDE the pumpkin. Well now, nobody expects to hear someone talking from inside a pumpkin. Because of their trips with Halleys though, the boys were used to strange things. So they swallowed their surprise and began asking questions.

Erbert and Gerbert learned that the voice belonged to a leprechaun named Pudder who lived in the pumpkin all fall. They also found out that many of the Wee Folk live in pumpkins because they are so safe and warm.

The next time you cut open a pumpkin, look inside. You may see where the seeds were scooped out to make a cozy little space for Pudder or one of his friends. If you are quick and alert, you may even catch the little fellow. Then you will get THREE WISHES!