Here are the answers to some potential questions I may or may not receive. Use this section as you will.
Table of Contents
Are you a furry?
Yes. There's no point in beating around the bush here.
Do you have a DNI/BYF list?
Unless we're already mutuals, you are at risk of being blocked if you're an eliminuisance or poll-pusher; I have no time for those. On a more serious level, I should clarify that "right"-wingers, pedophiles, zoophiles, and similar people will go to Hell before they die.
Do you roleplay?
No, I do not roleplay, so please don't pester me into doing so. Attempting to guilt-trip me into roleplaying will result in a block.
How can I financially support you?
Two ways you can financially support me include commissioning me (whenever open) or directly donating through Ko-fi, in which the latter also has adoptables and pay-to-use character bases. I used to have a Patreon, but decided to take it down as it became too stressful to manage and there would only be like... one person actually supporting it.
Why did you block me?
Generally depends on the website. Bluesky has mute/block lists, and I'd manually block if a user obviously fits the "DNI" critera listed. On Tumblr, I block more frequently as there's no option to hide or mute users.
Why do you not use certain websites?
The majority of social media platforms have been horrible for my mental wellbeing. I'd rather not leave long trails of embarassing garbage around through social media, so I'm only active on a few select platforms. If you see someone impersonating me on a website, then feel free to let me know. I have "lurker" accounts for certain websites (such as deviantART, Reddit) but as stated on the Contact page, they are only used for browsing.
You did/said something problematic!
We all make mistakes and sometimes do things that are out of line. This includes me, I am not perfect. If I do or say something that's concerning, then please send me a private message regarding it before doing anything else. I don't want people framing me as some ~horrible piece of shit~ over something that could have easily been taken out of context, and I know how things can get out of hand.
Are you open for commissions/trades/etc?
Here's what I believe fits my current art status.

You could get a doodle if you see me at a convention, but that's generally only at designated panels, such as sketchbook swaps.
Can I commission NSFW/fetish artwork?
For privacy reasons, you will need to message me for my NSFW/fetish alias.
What's with the squiggly patterns over your artwork?
Before I publicly post my artwork, I run it through a program called Glaze, which filters your artwork to make it more difficult for AI models to copy from.
Can I make NSFW content of your characters?
Please run it by me first, some characters are more personal than others. Also, there are some fetishes that I am not comfortable with at all, but I won't be listing them here so bad actors can't take advantage of them.
Something on your website isn't working!
Thanks for letting me know! Send me the broken link and where you found it, and I'll see what I can do.
There's an issue with an ad on your page.
If an advertisement is labeled as BannerLink, NavLink, or NeoLink, then I cannot control what comes up, and you should therefore contact the respective webmaster.
What's the font used on this website?
Fixedsys Excelsior 3.01! I did initially have a Runescape font, but it didn't work properly on certain browsers.
Why did you delete my comment on your Neocities profile?
If you make a comment regarding an error, I'll attempt to fix it and then likely delete your comment so that others will never know! :D